The report also shared details on how the body was identified by the coroner working for Dorset's Police Department.

With Emiliano Sala's death confirmed last Thursday, all that was left for authorities to do is to clarify the circumstances in which he perished during the accident that took place on January 21.

In a report published by the Express earlier today, Dorset's coroner service shared details in a respectful manner that hinted how Sala died during that fatal Monday evening while trying to make it to Cardiff.

According to the coroner's report, Sala's death was swift, since he presented trunk and head injuries that could have caused his death. With that in mind, one can hint that Sala did not die due to drowning, as his family and friends feared, especially because they did not want to imagine him in agony.

The coroner also revealed that Sala's body was identified via a finger print analyses conducted by local authorities. Dorset police also revealed that the search for pilot David Ibbotson could re-start next week, as friends and family have also started to raise funds via GoFundMe to find his remains.

With tributes for Sala going on all over the world, all the family needs to do is to provide proper burial for the footballer, as they try to end this sad chapter in their lives.