Hard luck for England as well as for Spain and Portugal and co.! The 2018 World Cup will be staged by Russia whereas the USA, Australia, and other contenders can forget about hosting the 2022 World Cup which will be held in Qatar.

The FIFA World Cup is going to Russia in 2018 and to Qatar in 2022!Qatar beat 1994 World Cup hosts USA, 2002 World Cup co-hosts Japan and South Korea, as well as Australia to win the right to stage the 2022 World Cup. FIFA’s executive committee announced the Arabic nation as the winners after appointing Russia as the 2018 World Cup hosts.

Russia had previously been tipped by analysts to lose the voting contest following Vladmir Putin’s bold accusations of “unfairness” in the bidding competition. The Russians prevailed over England’s bid, and over joint-bids from Spain and Portugal and the Netherlands and Belgium.

Watch FIFA's World Cup Bid Announcement For Russia 2018!




Watch FIFA's World Cup Bid Announcement For Qatar 2022!