The Portuguese ace was exposed by Nike's Vice President of Operations, Max Blau, in an interview with Spanish newspaper AS.

Football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is known for being too careful about how he presents himself on and off the pitch.But there has always been a mistery on why he never wears black football shoes. Today, that mistery was solved by Nike's VP Max Blau in an interview with Diario As.

Apparently, CR7 doesn't like to use black shoes because he believes he runs at a slower pace when using that color.

"Every player has his own favorite color. It has been proved by psychology studies that, whenever you watch yourself wearing something that you like, you end up playing better. And that's exactly what happens to Cristiano. He likes colorful cleats, and when he uses black shoes he feels slower, so what he wants is to be really quick," Blau stated.

Nike's VP admitted that the American sportswear giant tries to comply with all of CR7's requests due to his presence around the world, but that doesn't mean that all of his requests are easy to be met.

"I think he's a wonderful dude, but he'll always get to you and ask for an improvement. He gets into a room and says 'I'll try to improve, you have to do so as well'.Then, we have to go back to the drawing board and return with something that strikes his fancy," Blau added.