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Sydney vs Western Sydney Wanderers stream and TV listings

0 - 2
Dec 15, 201203:45
Allianz Stadium (Sydney)


Sydney vs Western Sydney Wanderers Match Events

  15'Y. Hersi
  24'Y. Hersi (0 - 1)
  42'I. La Rocca
Ali Abbas / J. Glaize59'  
  65'A. Mooy / I. La Rocca
A. Del Piero / J. Čulina70'  
  72'A. Mooy
  72'T. Minniecon / Y. Hersi
  76'D. Kresinger / J. Gibbs
  77'M. Beauchamp (0 - 2)
P. Reid / R. Grant80'  
A. Del Piero85'  


Sydney vs Western Sydney Wanderers Player Lineups

20V. Janjetović
4P. Bosschaart
8A. Griffiths
2S. Ryall
6J. Čulina
7B. Emerton
23R. Grant
17T. Antonis
21J. Glaize
12B. Powell
1A. Čović
5M. Beauchamp
6J. Polenz
4N. Topor-Stanley
3A. D'Apuzzo
18I. La Rocca
2S. Cole
21S. Ono
17Y. Hersi
8M. Poljak
13J. Gibbs


20V. Janjetović
4P. Bosschaart
8A. Griffiths
2S. Ryall
6J. Čulina
7B. Emerton
23R. Grant
17T. Antonis
21J. Glaize
12B. Powell
22Ali Abbas
10A. Del Piero
9P. Reid
1I. Necevski
1A. Čović
5M. Beauchamp
6J. Polenz
4N. Topor-Stanley
3A. D'Apuzzo
18I. La Rocca
2S. Cole
21S. Ono
17Y. Hersi
8M. Poljak
13J. Gibbs
10A. Mooy
12T. Minniecon
9D. Kresinger
20J. Tyson


A-League Standings

Pos.MannschaftASSUVTEGTTDPLetzte 5
Wellington Phoenix 26 14 8 4 39 26 +13 50 USVSS
Central Coast Mariners 25 15 4 6 44 26 +18 49 SSSVS
3 Melbourne Victory 26 10 12 4 40 29 +11 42 UVSSU
Macarthur 26 11 8 7 45 45 +0 41 SSVVS
Sydney FC 26 11 5 10 45 40 +5 38 VSVUS
Melbourne City 26 10 6 10 49 38 +11 36 SSVVU
Western Sydney Wanderers 26 10 4 12 40 45 -5 34 VVVSS
8 Brisbane Roar 26 8 6 12 39 51 -12 30 UVSVV
9 Adelaide United 25 8 5 12 48 48 +0 29 UVSSS
10 Newcastle Jets 26 6 10 10 38 44 -6 28 USSUV
11 Western United 26 7 5 14 36 54 -18 26 SUVSV
12 Perth Glory 26 5 7 14 45 62 -17 22 VVVUV

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Sydney vs Western Sydney Wanderers Live Stream and TV Listings

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