A 1-0 loss to Germany on Match-day Three wasn’t the best way for Ghana to assure their fans ahead of Saturday’s 2010 World Cup last 16 clash against USA.

Ghana's John Mensah pictured vs USA in Germany.But whereas many predict that time is up for the Ghanaians, defender John Mensah is confident that the Black Stars can strike the United States with total darkness if they can emulate the performance they displayed against Germany.

“Our performance was good and I hope we can play like that against the USA. If we do, then it will be very hard for them to beat us,” Mensah stated.

“We played against them in the last World Cup, and we beat them. So, that motivates us and gives us confidence and determination.”

Adding more fuel to the rivalry between USA and England, and between Ghana and the USA, John Mensah avowed:

“We didn’t want to face England, as we have never played them before. I’m relieved we don’t have to face them. As for USA, we aren’t afraid of them. Like I said, we have beaten them before and I believe we can do it again.”


Turning the pressure on the Americans, the deputy skipper continued:

“They are [a very physical side]. When we played them before, they were too. They are a good team, but we are aware of that. We have to concentrate on how we play our football. We know who they are and they also know who we are. I think it will be difficult for them to play against us.”

According to Ghana’s John Mensah, Clint Dempsey and Landon Donovan will be the players to watch for the USA. How will the Sunderland defender prevent the English Premier League-based duo from performing wonders for the Americans? See Match Review