AFC Asiatische Champions League >

Al Ain vs Al Rayyan stream and TV listings

2 - 1
Apr 3, 201311:30
Tahnoun Bin Mohamed Stadium (Al-'Ayn (Al Ain))


Al Ain vs Al Rayyan Match Events

  32'Nilmar (0 - 1)
J. Kembo-Ekoko (1 - 1)34'  
A. Brosque (2 - 1)70'  


Al Ain vs Al Rayyan Player Lineups

22Mahmoud Al Mas
23Mohamed Ahmad Gharib
19Mohanad Salem
5Ismail Ahmed
33Mohammed Salem
6M. Rădoi
7Ali Al Wehaibi
10Omar Abdulrahman
9J. Kembo-Ekoko
32A. Brosque
16Mohamed Abdulrahman
30Oumar Barry
24Musa Haroon
12Hamid Ismaeil
5Nathan Otávio
10Rodrigo Tabata
7Fábio Montezine
27Younes Ali
17Daniel Goma
22Ahmed Alaa Eddine
14Mohammed Alaa Eddin


22Mahmoud Al Mas
23Mohamed Ahmad Gharib
19Mohanad Salem
5Ismail Ahmed
33Mohammed Salem
6M. Rădoi
7Ali Al Wehaibi
10Omar Abdulrahman
9J. Kembo-Ekoko
32A. Brosque
16Mohamed Abdulrahman
20Helal Saeed
21Fawzi Fayez
2Yaqoub Al Hosani
15Khaled Abdulrahman
36Dawoud Sulaiman
46Yousef Ahmad
25Ahmed Al Shamisi
30Oumar Barry
24Musa Haroon
12Hamid Ismaeil
5Nathan Otávio
10Rodrigo Tabata
7Fábio Montezine
27Younes Ali
17Daniel Goma
22Ahmed Alaa Eddine
14Mohammed Alaa Eddin
29Nasser Al Kaabi
1Saud Abdullah
3Abdulrahman Mesbeh
4Hamad Al Obaidi
15Saleh Al Zuwaidy
16Mohamed Salah
18Sayaf Mohsin


AFC Asiatische Champions League Standings

Pos.MannschaftASSUVTEGTTDPLetzte 5
Gruppe A
1 Al Ain 6 5 0 1 17 9 +8 15 SVSSS
2 Al Feiha 6 3 0 3 12 10 +2 9 SSVVS
3 Pakhtakor 6 2 1 3 8 11 -3 7 VSUSV
4 Ahal 6 1 1 4 6 13 -7 4 VVUVV
Champions League (Gruppenphase)

Internationale Berichterstattung

Al Ain vs Al Rayyan Live Stream and TV Listings

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