Fernando to Start Firing
“He is past it.”

“He is a crock.”

“His best days are behind him.”

The above statements are all being thrown around on a consistent basis about Fernando Torres by fans all over the world. The statements are based on Torres’ performances last season, and they are all absolute nonsense.

Fernando Torres is 27 years old, and you can guarantee he will find his scoring form once more. Furthermore, he will win many trophies at Chelsea FC and be remembered fondly by fans.

Sport science research has shown that a footballer hits his physical peak between the ages of 28 to 30. Further to that, players in the current age are extending their careers with better knowledge of diet and how to look after their body.

It is likely that Torres will be scoring goals in the Premier League for another six or seven years, unless he chooses to return to Spain.

It is without doubt that Torres performed poorly last season, but it is also true that Torres has had only one disappointing season since he burst onto the professional scene in 2002.

The fact that one bad season leads to him being universally condemned as past his best is a sad reflection on the modern football fan. In the age where anyone can blog or comment on the internet it makes something seem true purely on the fact that everyone parrots it.

However one thing is worth remembering, the general fan base has thought this before and been proven massively wrong.

Before EURO 96 most England fans were calling for Alan Shearer to be dropped as he had not scored for England in 21 months. Furthermore, at that point Shearer had netted only five goals for England in 23 games. Shearer responded to that criticism by scoring five goals and winning the Golden Boot, he is now remembered as a legend by fans universally.

Wayne Rooney had a horrific run of form before, during and after the 2010 World Cup with people again calling him past. it. After some rest in the USA Rooney finished the season strongly, and continues his form to date.

Manchester United fans constantly criticized Berbatov, in fact they still do. But whatever they say the Bulgarian won the Premier League Golden Boot last season and nothing they say will change that.

The common theme of criticism tends to revolve around his price tag. The fact that a manager wanted to pay that for him shows how they rated him. Though that criticism ignores the fact that he is a human being, and is subject to swings in form and also fatigue.

Fernando Torres was clearly struggling at the end of the 2009/2010 season and the best treatment would have been a summer off. Instead of a summer off he was taken to the World Cup and subsequently broke down with injury.

He returned from the World Cup unfit and was constantly played when he was likely in between being injured and 100% fit. The result of that is playing because you are just fit enough, and performing without explosion.

The injury begins to seem long ago but will it ever recover fully if it is never fully rested?

This time Totrres has had rest and the results will be shown on the field. Andre Villas-Boas knows more about football than the average fan, and he chose to start Torres above Didier Drogba. That is not a decision he will have taken lightly.

Torres has home games coming up against West Bromwich Albion and Norwich City, and you can bet he will it the net. After he does that, do not be shocked if he goes on to have a very good season, and the “he is past it” bandwagon will be directed at someone else.