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Perfil do Autor: Juan Aguerrevere

I was born in Venezuela, moved to Puerto Rico and ended up living in Miami. My love for football/soccer sparked up in the early 2000s when I began to follow La Vinotinto and Juan Arango. Since Venezuela cannot make it to the World Cup to save their lives, I started learning more about other countries, their leagues and their players. Tournaments that I remember vividly as a young child were the 2004 Euros, 2006 World Cup, 2007 Copa America and 2008 Champions League.

In terms of education, I graduated from Christopher Columbus High School in Miami and pursued a journalism degree at Miami Dade College. I was accepted to the University of Florida's College of Journalism and Telecommunications and graduated with a Bachelors degree in December 2019. I have been working with Live Soccer TV since then and continue to do so while expanding my skills in other areas such as digital marketing and public relations. I am currently attending a digital marketing graduate program at the University of Miami to expand my skills and help professional soccer teams expand their brands across the world through online marketing campaigns in the future.

I cover North American and women's soccer for Live Soccer TV and I'm also a beat reporter for Dosis Futbolera (Spanish) covering Inter Miami CF.

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