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Toronto FC vs Chivas USA stream and TV listings

Toronto FC
1 - 1
Apr 2, 201113:00
Chivas USA
BMO Field (Toronto, Ontario)


Toronto FC vs Chivas USA Player Lineups

24S. Frei
20T. Harden
3N. Attakora
12A. Cann
23J. Peterson
25D. Borman
10A. Stevanovic
22T. Tchani
21A. Gordon
33J. Martina
29Maicon Santos
1D. Kennedy
13A. Jazic
3H. Pearce
2A. Boyens
10N. LaBrocca
11M. Lahoud
21B. Zemanski
15A. Moreno
23M. Mondaini
17J. Braun
19J. Flores


24S. Frei
20T. Harden
3N. Attakora
12A. Cann
23J. Peterson
25D. Borman
10A. Stevanovic
22T. Tchani
21A. Gordon
33J. Martina
29Maicon Santos
6J. de Guzmán
31Dicoy Williams
7J. Plata
8D. Gargan
16O. Cordon
5A. Morgan
30M. Kocic
1D. Kennedy
13A. Jazic
3H. Pearce
2A. Boyens
10N. LaBrocca
11M. Lahoud
21B. Zemanski
15A. Moreno
23M. Mondaini
17J. Braun
19J. Flores
14G. Mayen
99V. Estupiñan
6F. Mendoza
8M. Trujillo
33S. Owusu
30S. Arias
22Z. Thornton


Major League Soccer Standings

Pos.MannschaftASSUVTEGTTDPLetzte 5
Eastern Conference
1 Inter Miami 18 10 5 3 42 27 +15 35 UVSSU
2 Cincinnati 16 10 3 3 23 16 +7 33 VSSSS
3 New York City 16 9 2 5 24 17 +7 29 SSSSS
New York RB 16 8 5 3 29 22 +7 29 SSVSS
Charlotte 17 7 4 6 18 18 +0 25 SVUUS
6 Toronto FC 17 7 3 7 26 26 +0 24 UUVSV
Columbus Crew 14 6 6 2 21 13 +8 24 SSSVU
8 Philadelphia Union 16 4 8 4 27 23 +4 20 UUUSV
Nashville SC 16 4 7 5 20 22 -2 19 VSUUS
DC United 17 4 7 6 25 31 -6 19 UVUVV
Orlando City SC 16 4 5 7 16 24 -8 17 VUVSU
CF Montréal 16 4 5 7 23 35 -12 17 USUVV
Atlanta United 16 4 4 8 22 21 +1 16 VSVUV
14 Chicago Fire 17 3 6 8 17 29 -12 15 SUUVV
15 New England 14 3 1 10 11 27 -16 10 SVVVS

Internationale Berichterstattung

Toronto FC vs Chivas USA Live Stream and TV Listings

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