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Perfil del autor: Gregory Sica

Gregory Sica is an Australian sports writer, who has been based in South America since 2005. His passion for soccer grew into an obvious career-choice and after graduating from Edith Cowan University where he majored in both journalism and advertising he has worked for such publications like Sports Illustrated and

Sica covers Latin American competitions like the Copa America, the Copa Libertadores, the Copa Sudamericana, the Argentine and Brazilian championships, as well as the exploits of the South American stars that ply their trade in the top European leagues, namely those of Spain, Italy and England.

Besides analyzing the South American scene from the outside, he regularly attends top soccer events where he is known for chatting with those stand-out players that make this sport so wonderful to watch.

For Sica, there's no better feeling than to view a competitive soccer match with his mates.

Artículos de Gregory Sica

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