Mendy was found not guilty by a jury of six rape charges, but could still face a second trial due to other allegations.

After 18 months, it appears that Benjamin Mendy's legal troubles are coming to a conclusion. Mendy was first charged in August 2021 with six counts of rape and one of sexual assualt; eventually, this would grow to a total of nine offenses that led to an eventual trial that started about months ago, in August of 2022.

Today, it was confirmed that the 28-year-old has been cleared of seven charges - six of rape, and one of sexual assault - in a massive decision that could see him clear his name fully. However, as the jury could not come to a conclusion on two other charges, the French defender looks likely to face another trial, with a tentative date set on June 26, 2023.

Mendy is still on the books of Manchester City, who decided to suspend him in August 2021 after he was first charged and the case went to trial. With this revelation, the club have not fully confirmed as to whether he will remain as an employee, only to note that "Given there are open matters related to this case, the Club is not in a position to comment further at this time".

As such, it remains to be seen what's next for Mendy and his future career - whether it be at City or with another club - especially with the prospect of a future trial looming.