Prva Crnogorska Liga >

Budućnost vs Rudar stream and TV listings

S. Popovic (o.g.)
3 - 1
Apr 13, 202412:00
A. Bulatovic
Stadion Pod Goricom (Podgorica)


Budućnost vs Rudar Match Events

  13'A. Bulatovic (0 - 1)
  29'A. Golubovic
S. Almeida / U. Ignjatovic30'  
  36'S. Popovic / A. Bulatovic
M. Brnovic44'  
  45'M. Zecevic
I. Bojovic (1 - 1)45+3'  
M. Vukotic / M. Raickovic55'  
I. Ivanovic / I. Bojovic55'  
S. Almeida (2 - 1)59'  
  76'J. Muhovic / A. Muratovic
  76'L. Knezevic / P. Bogdanovic
S. Popovic (o.g.) (3 - 1)78'  
  85'O. Kasalica / M. Zecevic
T. Mujan / M. Brnovic87'  
L. Mirkovic / P. Grbic87'  
O. Gasevic90+2'  
P. Sekulovic90+4'  


Prva Crnogorska Liga Standings

1 Dečić 36 20 10 6 55 27 +28 70 GGGGN
Mornar 36 17 13 6 45 32 +13 64 GGGGN
Budućnost 36 17 10 9 66 43 +23 61 PPGGN
4 Sutjeska 36 13 14 9 46 36 +10 53 PPPPN
5 Jezero 36 14 9 13 41 38 +3 51 PGPPP
6 Petrovac 36 11 15 10 42 40 +2 48 GPNGG
7 Arsenal Tivat 36 9 15 12 43 58 -15 42 PGNPN
Jedinstvo 36 8 11 17 43 56 -13 35 GGPPN
Mladost DG 36 9 7 20 37 59 -22 34 PPGGG
10 Rudar 36 7 6 23 25 54 -29 27 GPPPP
Champions League (Qualification)
Barrage de relégation

Couverture internationale

Budućnost vs Rudar Live Stream and TV Listings

ARY MacédoineMaxTV GoArena Sport 4 Serbia
MonténégroArena Sport 4 Serbia
SerbieArena Sport 4 Serbia

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