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Sanfrecce Hiroshima vs Beijing Guoan stream and TV listings

Sanfrecce Hiroshima
0 - 0
Apr 30, 201306:00
Beijing Guoan
EDION Stadium (Hiroshima)


Sanfrecce Hiroshima vs Beijing Guoan Player Lineups

13T. Masuda
4H. Mizumoto
33T. Shiotani
2Seok-Ho Hwang
17Hyung-Jin Park
35K. Nakajima
15T. Okamoto
24G. Notsuda
19Dae-Heon Lee
37H. Kawabe
26S. Inami
22Yang Zhi
4Zhou Ting
18Lang Zheng
20Zhang Xinxin
13Xu Yunlong
5D. Matić
19Wang Xiaolong
10Zhang Xizhe
39Piao Cheng
11F. Kanouté
8J. Guerrón


13T. Masuda
4H. Mizumoto
33T. Shiotani
2Seok-Ho Hwang
17Hyung-Jin Park
35K. Nakajima
15T. Okamoto
24G. Notsuda
19Dae-Heon Lee
37H. Kawabe
26S. Inami
9N. Ishihara
10Y. Takahagi
5K. Chiba
16S. Yamagishi
21Y. Hara
23K. Sameshima
34K. Miyahara
22Yang Zhi
4Zhou Ting
18Lang Zheng
20Zhang Xinxin
13Xu Yunlong
5D. Matić
19Wang Xiaolong
10Zhang Xizhe
39Piao Cheng
11F. Kanouté
8J. Guerrón
7Yang Yun
29Shao Jiayi
26Wang Hao
3Yu Yang
12Hou Sen
30Lei Tenglong
33Mao Jianqing


Ligue des champions de l'AFC Standings

Ligue des Champions (Phase de poules)

Couverture internationale

Sanfrecce Hiroshima vs Beijing Guoan Live Stream and TV Listings

RP ChinePPTV Sport ChinaGuangdong Sports ChannelBTV Sports ChannelCCTV 5+Tianjin Sports Channel

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