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Manchester United vs Crystal Palace stream and TV listings

Manchester United
1 - 2
Nov 30, 201114:45
Crystal Palace
Old Trafford (Manchester)


Manchester United vs Crystal Palace Player Lineups

40B. Amos
6J. Evans
12C. Smalling
25A. Valencia
13Ji-Sung Park
28D. Gibson
9D. Berbatov
32M. Diouf
27F. Macheda
34L. Price
3D. Wright
6A. Gardner
5P. McCarthy
21D. Moxey
2N. Clyne
8K. Dikgacoi
28S. O'Keefe
19J. Easter
11S. Scannell
16W. Zaha


40B. Amos
6J. Evans
12C. Smalling
25A. Valencia
13Ji-Sung Park
28D. Gibson
9D. Berbatov
32M. Diouf
27F. Macheda
51E. Fryers
49R. Morrison
42P. Pogba
38M. Keane
52L. Cole
34A. Lindegaard
53J. Lingard
34L. Price
3D. Wright
6A. Gardner
5P. McCarthy
21D. Moxey
2N. Clyne
8K. Dikgacoi
28S. O'Keefe
19J. Easter
11S. Scannell
16W. Zaha
4J. Parr
7D. Ambrose
17G. Murray
1J. Speroni
9S. Iversen
15M. Jedinak
38P. Ramage

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Manchester United vs Crystal Palace Live Stream and TV Listings

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