Ikwekwezi FM

Ikwekwezi FM

South Africa

TV Schedule

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Ikwekwezi FM Live Streaming and TV Schedule

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*Live Soccer TV does not provide Ikwekwezi FM live streaming. The information provided on this page is simply Ikwekwezi FM TV schedule.


What satellites is Ikwekwezi FM available on?

68.5°EIntelsat 20
11514 V28750, 1/2DVB-S2, QPSK
11594 H30000, 5/6DVB-SIrdeto


Ikwekwezi FM history, coverage, features

Ikwekwezi FM is a South African radio station available nationally and with its headquarters located in Pretoria. It was launched under the name Radio Ndebele on April 1, 1983. The station would be rebranded as Ikwekwezi FM in 1996. It broadcasts all its content in Southern Ndebele language.

Over the years, this radio station’s main goals were to inform, entertain, educate, and to promote Ndebele language in the region. The station’s format helped develop the spoken language into a written one. The station’s target audience is 25 to 49 years of age. 

Ikwekwezi FM has been available on the FM band in many South African cities via affiliates since its launch. Added to that, the radio station is available on satellite and online streaming services.

Content disclaimer:

The published listings of live, re-aired, and on-demand match and program events published on this website are broadcast by the official rights holders. They are available on various platforms such as terrestrial TV, radio, cable, satellite, IPTV, mobile and desktop apps. Where possible, we will provide links to the streaming events available on the platforms provided by the official broadcasters. Please note that in many cases, a digital subscription or user authentication with a TV or internet provider will be required. We endeavor to provide as accurate and detailed broadcast information as possible. However, broadcast schedules are subject to change at any time. If you find incorrect or missing information, please let us know

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