The Brazilian left back hadn't shared his views on his friend's transfer. Needless to say, his message will not go overlooked.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Marcelo showed a lot of chemistry both on and off the pitch.The Brazilian player was one of Cristiano's closest friends, and his silence after CR7's transfer away from Los Blancos was confirmed surprised those who knew about their friendship.

Today, the Brazilian ace posted an emotional farewell to his friend, adding his name to those who reacted to his transfer. Even if he took his time to say goodbye, Marcelo's letter will not go unlooked, as it's one of the best tributes Cristiano Ronaldo will ever get.

Have a look at Marcelo's letter.


Quem diria hein Cris!!! É mano chegou a hora de dizer até logo... Te juro q nao imaginava que esse dia chegaria! Mas nada nessa vida é pra sempre, espero q vc seja muito feliz na sua nova caminhada. Foram quase 10 anos do teu lado, 10 anos de alegria, bom futebol, vitorias, derrotas e momentos maravilhosos! Aprendi muito com vc, sua dedicação é a coisa mais bizarra q eu vi em um atleta. Tudo de bom pra vc e sua linda familia! Vou sentir saudades das nossas resenhas antes dos jogos quando vc acertava o resultados e antes das finais nos tranquilizava com tua experiência e o carinho com os mais jovens! Tenho orgulho de ter jogado contigo nao por que VOCE SEJA O MAIOR JOGADOR DA P#RR% TODA e sim pela pessoa q você é!!! quando eu parar de jogar vou sentar no bar tomar uma cerveja e vou contar vaaarias historias e mostrar todas as nossas fotos Ja ja tamo junto de novo #M12

Una publicación compartida de Marcelo Vieira Jr. (@marcelotwelve) el

"Who would have thought, huh, Cris? It's time to say goodbye! I swear I didn't think this day would come! But nothing in this life is forever, I hope you are very happy on your new journey. It was almost 10 years of your side, 10 years of joy, good football, victories, defeats and wonderful moments! I learned a lot from you, your dedication is the most bizarre thing I've seen in an athlete. All the best to you and your beautiful family!"

"I will miss our reviews before the games when you hit the results and before the finals reassured us with your experience and the affection with the younger ones!"

"I'm proud to have played with you, not because you are the best player of all time but for the person you are !!! When I stop playing I'll sit at the bar and have a beer and I'll tell your stories and show all our photos. I'm sure we'll be together again..."