Four years after his retirement, David Beckham believes he could still play one more year of top-caliber football.
During an interview with GQ magazine, the former Manchester United midfielder revealed that, if everything was in place, he could enter the pitch for at least one more year. He even revealed where he would like to play if there was a chance to do so.
"You know? I could maybe play for one more year, maybe for an MLS team. I miss football every day. I don't know if it's the athlete that lives inside of me or the effect this game has on me, but sometimes I wonder if I can take a step backwards and return to the pitch and play," Beckham said.
Last year, the former English captain played a charity match with some of his friends at Old Trafford. His son, Brooklyn, took his place on the pitch as the crowd praised "Becks".
Fully aware of what his statements could cause, the retired footballer dismissed the idea of a quick comeback, given than he is not currently living in the United States.
"If I still lived in L.A., I would consider playing football again. But we're living in London now, and my kids are very happy at their school," the ex-footballer added.
Beckham's MLS franchise is set to start playing after the 2017 season.