Players between 11 and 13 will only be allowed to head the ball in official games. Former players are behind this first of its kind initiative.

In an attempt to reduce the amount of concussions among soccer players in the United States, the U.S. Soccer Federation has banned headers completely in some age divisions. This is the result of a law-suit made last year by former youth players.

This new rule prohibits any headers in teams where the players are under eleven-years-old. It applies for both practices and games. This is a measure that in case it works, would be a pioneer in the attempts to reduce head-related injuries.

“Certain injuries, or the impacts from them, are preventable and the governing soccer authorities have the power to enact and enforce rules that would prevent or minimize injuries,” was read in part of the statement released by lawyer of the former players.

For players from 11 to 13 years old, the limitation only applies for practices as the ones that participate in official games will be allowed to use their head. As for right now, there are no plans to increase the ages that this plan directly affects. Those involved in the lawsuit see it as a great step forward to avoid concussions. 

Some people and organizations like this idea

Those that have been involved in the development of the new regulations know that this may not end the problems with concussions but they are sure that the numbers of concussions will be reduced significantly. It is their way of showing that something can be done, specially with little kids when it comes to safety. 

Not everyone likes the idea